About Us

Your Largest Supplier of Insurance Covered
Breast Pumps and Maternity Items in
Southern Texas

Where It All Began


Natural is Better

“Natural is better,” is one of the driving forces behind the ACA’s support of breast pumps in San Antonio, TX, and throughout the country. Society had it right the first time before manufactured baby formula hit the market and moms were somehow convinced that breastfeeding was the old way of doing things. After further studies, our society realized that the medical benefits of natural milk produced by a mother’s body could never be duplicated by a manufacturing plant.

While our founder was selling prenatal vitamins, the Affordable Care Act was passed, requiring insurance companies to cover breast pumps. This requirement was due to the realization that breastfeeding has so many medical benefits. These discoveries lead to breastfeeding being classified as preventative care.

It is classified as preventative care because it reduces the chances of health issues like sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), obesity, ear infections, poor cognitive development, pneumonia, bacteremia, urinary tract infections, tooth decay, diabetes, lymphoma, leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, and others. Breastfeeding passes antibodies, white blood cells, probiotics, and hormones from the mom to the baby, as well as providing essential bonding time.