Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities
Alamo Diabetex, Inc. (dba – Matriarch Women’s Health Supply) and its personnel have the right to expect behavior on the part of patients and their relatives and friends, which considering the nature of their illness and predicament, is reasonable and responsible these responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
- To provide, to the best of his/her knowledge, accurate and complete information about present medications and/or other matters relating to his/her health and care.
- to report unexpected changes in his/her condition to those clinicians responsible for the management
of his/her care - for making it known whether he/she clearly understands a contemplated course of action and what is
expected of him/her - for following the treatment plan recommended for his/her care by the primary care physician and other allied health professionals, including nurses, pharmacists and dieticians.
- for keeping appointments and, when he/she is unable to do so for any reason, for notifying
Matriarch WHS and making a new appointment. - for his or her actions if he/she refuses treatment or does not follow the instructions as set forth by
his/her primary care physician and the professional staff of Matriarch WHS. - for assuring that the financial obligations of his/her health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible for being considerate of the rights of Matriarch WHS personnel.
- for being respectful of the property of Matriarch WHS and its personnel.
All patients shall have rights that include, but are not limited to the following: - to have access to the services regardless of race, creed, religion, sex or source of payment
- to have the right to request and receive itemized and detailed explanation of the total bill of services
rendered and products supplied - to have access to the physician directing their care and information regarding their diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
- to be allowed to participate in plan of care, including discharge planning and to participate in decisions
regarding their diagnosis, treatment or prognosis. - to be communicated to in a way that they can reasonably expect to understand.
- to be informed about the nature of any technical procedure that will be performed, as well as who will
perform the procedure. - to have the right to refuse treatment (as permitted by law) and be informed of the medical consequences of such refusal.
- to request to view policies and procedures of Matriarch WHS.
- to seek assistance in finding and transferring the provision of services to another agency.
- to receive care in a timely manner, appropriate to his or her needs.
- to be treated with consideration, respect and full recognition of his/her dignity, individuality and privacy To be assured of confidentiality in treatment and records of such and be allowed to approve or refuse their release to any outside agencies.
- to have competent and qualified personnel carry out the services for which they are responsible.
- to voice grievances and recommend changes in policies and services. The patient will be informed of Matriarch WHS mechanism for receiving, reviewing, and resolving patient complaints.
- all rights and responsibilities specified here as they pertain to a patient adjudicated incompetent in
accordance with State law. - to be given a statement of services available by the agency and related charges.
- to be provided access to the state Health department for problems about services